Atari LETA on a CPLD


no formatting
-- Company: 
-- Engineer: 
-- Create Date:    22:38:01 1/11/2007 
-- Design Name: 
-- Module Name:    LETA_REP - Behavioral 
-- Project Name: 	 LETA on a CPLD
-- Target Devices: XC95108
-- Tool versions:  webpack ise 9.1.03i
-- Description: 	 Atari Leta replacement *Freeware* !!
-- Dependencies:   
-- Revision: 
-- Revision 0.01 - initial public release
-- Additional Comments: 
-- 	another fun project from JROK
library IEEE;

entity LETA_REP is
    Port ( 
           db   	: out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           cs 		: in   STD_LOGIC;
           ck 		: in   STD_LOGIC;
			  test 	: in   STD_LOGIC;
			  ad 		: in   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);			  
			  clks 	: in   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
			  dirs	: in   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           resoln : in   STD_LOGIC);

architecture Behavioral of LETA_REP is

-- 8 bit counter register
type   cnt_reg is  array( 0 to 3 ) of   std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 );
signal count_register : cnt_reg ;

-- 3 bit temp storage
type tmp_inputs is array( 0 to 3 ) of std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0 );
signal clks_tmp: tmp_inputs; 
signal dirs_tmp: tmp_inputs;

signal clks_last_bit: std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 );
signal dirs_last_bit: std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 );


-- ----------------------------------------------------------

process( clks, dirs, ck )
if ( rising_edge( ck ) ) then

	for cntr in 3 downto 0 loop

		if ( test = '1' ) then
			-- test mode clear the states of DIR and CLK 
			clks_tmp( cntr ) <= "000";
			dirs_tmp( cntr ) <= "000";


			-- shift the bits left and store the current state in bit '0'
			clks_tmp( cntr ) ( 2 downto 1 ) <= clks_tmp( cntr )( 1 downto 0 );
			clks_tmp( cntr ) ( 0 ) <= clks( cntr );
			dirs_tmp( cntr ) ( 2 downto 1 ) <= dirs_tmp( cntr )( 1 downto 0 );
			dirs_tmp( cntr ) ( 0 ) <= dirs( cntr );

		end if;
	end loop;

end if; -- ck rising edge clock  

end process;

-- ----------------------------------------------------------

process( ck, dirs_tmp, clks_tmp, test )

if ( rising_edge( ck ) ) then

	for cntr in 3 downto 0 loop

		if ( test = '1' ) then
		-- test mode clear ALL the counts
			count_register(cntr) <= "00000000";
			clks_last_bit( cntr ) <= '0';
			dirs_last_bit( cntr ) <= '0';
		-- test mode = '0' so normal counting operation
		-- 3 bits of CLK or DIR have to be the same
		-- before a 
		 if ( clks_tmp( cntr ) = "000" ) then
				clks_last_bit( cntr ) <= '0';
		 end if;

		 if ( clks_tmp( cntr ) = "111" ) then
			clks_last_bit( cntr ) <= '1';
		 end if;
		 if ( dirs_tmp( cntr ) = "000" ) then
			dirs_last_bit( cntr ) <= '0';
		 end if;

		 if ( dirs_tmp( cntr ) = "111" ) then
			dirs_last_bit( cntr ) <= '1';
		 end if;
	   --  check for a new state of DIR & CLK
		--  then take a counting action depending on the previous state
		-- state 10
		 if  ( clks_tmp( cntr ) = "111" and  dirs_tmp( cntr ) = "000"   ) then

			if  ( clks_last_bit( cntr ) ='0' and dirs_last_bit( cntr ) ='0' and resoln = '1' ) then
				count_register(cntr) <= count_register(cntr)+1;
			end if;

			if  ( clks_last_bit( cntr ) ='1' and dirs_last_bit( cntr ) ='1'  ) then
				count_register(cntr) <= count_register(cntr)-1;
			end if;
		end if;

		-- state 11

		if  ( clks_tmp( cntr ) = "111" and  dirs_tmp( cntr ) = "111"   ) then

			if  ( clks_last_bit( cntr ) ='1' and dirs_last_bit( cntr ) ='0' ) then
				count_register(cntr) <= count_register(cntr)+1;
			end if;

			if  ( clks_last_bit( cntr ) ='0' and dirs_last_bit( cntr ) ='1'  and resoln = '1' ) then
				count_register(cntr) <= count_register(cntr)-1;
			end if;
		end if;

		-- state 01
		if  ( clks_tmp( cntr ) = "000" and  dirs_tmp( cntr ) = "111"  ) then

			if  ( clks_last_bit( cntr ) ='0' and dirs_last_bit( cntr ) ='0' ) then
				count_register(cntr) <= count_register(cntr)-1;
			end if;

			if  ( clks_last_bit( cntr ) ='1' and dirs_last_bit( cntr ) ='1'  and resoln = '1' ) then
				count_register(cntr) <= count_register(cntr)+1;
			end if;
		end if;

		-- state 00
		if  ( clks_tmp( cntr ) = "000" and  dirs_tmp( cntr ) = "000"   ) then

			if  ( clks_last_bit( cntr ) ='0' and dirs_last_bit( cntr ) ='1'  ) then
				count_register(cntr) <= count_register(cntr)+1;
			end if;

			if  ( clks_last_bit( cntr ) ='1' and dirs_last_bit( cntr ) ='0'  and resoln = '1') then
				count_register(cntr) <= count_register(cntr)-1;
			end if;
		end if;
	 end if; -- test mode check

	end loop;

end if;

end process;

-- ----------------------------------------------------------
process( cs, count_register, ad, test,dirs, clks )
	if ( cs = '1' ) then
		db <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
		if ( test = '0' ) then
			-- put the register pointed to by A0 & A1 
			-- onto the databus
			db   <= count_register( conv_integer( ad ) ) ;
			-- test mode so just pass thru' the INVERTED states
			-- of the dir and clk inputs
			-- A0/A1 are irrelevant 
			db(0) <= not( dirs(0) );
			db(1) <= not( clks(0) );
			db(2) <= not( dirs(1) );
			db(3) <= not( clks(1) );
			db(4) <= not( dirs(2) );
			db(5) <= not( clks(2) );
			db(6) <= not( dirs(3) );
			db(7) <= not( clks(3) );
		end if;
	end if;
end process;

-- ----------------------------------------------------------

end Behavioral;


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