Berzerk Benchmark Comparison

Benchmarking Berzerk


To validate that the FPGA board hardware it was necessary to write some test code to benchmark the performance of the board compared to the original. 

What is does

The code runs a series of tests on the berzerk hardware accessing memory and counting the number of op-codes which can be executed in a given 1/2 video frame.

Actual values are not as significant as the results are only used for comparison to the FPGA based hardware.

Using the internal 1/2 frame interrupts as a fixed time references and the Z80's R register as the counter (R is incremented after each op-code ), the number of instructions executed during each frame are recorded.  The R register is only 7 bits in length so ends up overflowing and restarting at zero.

The second part of the test is a count of instructions executing between each NMI ( non maskable interrupt ), this happens every 32 video lines.


The z80 must execute the same number of instructions between the interrupt intervals, also the interval of the interrupt must happen at precisely the same time for each iteration of the test loop.

To be an accurate hardware reproduction of the original hardware no variation in results is possible.

Both the original and FPGA board posted the same numbers in each set the tests.


Don't take my word for it the source and the binaries are available and anyone can modify, edit, adjust, eat and/or run their own code to check for themselves.

So... at this point I'm calling the FPGA board demonstratably identical.

In addition while running the tests 1,000,000 opcodes were captured and compared to the a capture made on the original hardware, no variance was recorded there either.


Notes on the hardware

Each area of memory ROM, non-volatile SRAM, video DRAM, color SRAM has a different access characteristic from the z80's perspective.

Because the system is busy generating the display if the z80 attempts to access video DRAM memory a "wait" condition will be added to pause the z80. The same is true for the color memory  (BSC), the z80 will have to wait for the video hardware to finish accessing it.

The wait conditions are different between these two video & color memory areas so this will result in different timing figures.

The system ROM area and non-volatile SRAM are both only accessed by the z80, so they have no wait penalty and can run at full speed.

It's also worth mentioning that the interval between the two 1/2 frame interrupts aren't exactly the same length, one is slightly longer than the other.

That same is true of the NMI interrupts, there are 8 interrupts in a single frame and the first and last have a slighltly different interval to the other six.

The two screen grabs were made with an s-video encoder and an older PCI capture card.


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